DC Fly-In
At the TECNA DC Fly-In, we'll bring together members of Congress and key federal stakeholders with leaders in the tech community to discuss policy priorities. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss issues, rules and regulations affecting the tech community, hear from Congressional and committee members, and get an inside-the-beltway perspective on upcoming legislative priorities. It's also a networking opportunity, giving you valuable connections with peer business and federal leaders.
Who should attend?
(This event is exclusive to representatives from KCTC member companies and sponsors)
KCTC Policy Committee members
Government Affairs professionals
Company leaders interested in learning more about tech policy and building relationships with elected officials and key staff members.
Do I need to register with TECNA?
No, once you’re registered with KCTC we will take care of your registration with TECNA. A confirmation email will be sent.
What should I expect from this conference?
Education about tech-industry policies prioritized in Congress
Experience what it’s like to advocate on behalf of your company with lawmakers and key staff
Is it required to attend the whole conference?
We prefer registered attendees to be present and engaged for the entire conference. However, please let us know if your schedule has conflicts.
Are travel and lodging included?
No, the conference fee does not include your travel and lodging, and KC Tech Council will not be coordinating travel or lodging plans.

Date and Time
Monday Apr 28, 2025 Tuesday Apr 29, 2025
The Wharf
Washington, DC
$225 per participant